We see a big future in diversifying Irish-grown produce. Animals and plants have evolved together on this planet over eons, taking our cues from natural healthy ecosystems, we see great potential in agroforestry to provide for our needs while mimicking natural healthy systems.
We see great merit in the rewilding movement and applaud conservation efforts and wildlife sanctuaries. Our mission, however, focuses on meeting the needs of a growing population within healthy environments. We are of the opinion that until we can provide for our needs in a way that restores, regenerates and sustains the health of our environment, we are going to continue to encroach on and destroy nature. We also encourage and supply native trees from locally collected seed sources in order increase biodiversity in all aspects of our work.
Our population in Ireland is steadily rising and we are faced with the task of feeding ourselves in a changing world. We are blessed with a moist temperate climate with a long growing season in which an immense variety of plants and animals can thrive. Currently in Ireland, we specialise in meat in dairy production which is mostly sold to a global market. At the same time, we import most of our food from around the world. There may come a day in the not-too-distant future in which our ability to buy and sell on a global market will be hindered by rising fossil fuel prices. Animals have and always will be part of healthy ecosystems. There is a big difference between animals raised locally as part of a healthy environment versus those that are grown in factory settings removed from nature.
Let us not forget that the natural biome of Ireland is temperate oceanic rainforest. In the absence many of large herbivores, Ireland once supported vast forests. It is time to start working with nature and allow her to express while providing for our needs and most importantly to not impede the ability of our children to do the same. By producing food from trees and bushes that live for many years, we limit the disturbance to the soil. Every year we humans move more topsoil than was moved in the entirety of the last ice age. This is hugely disruptive to the soil food web, not to mention the resulting erosion that occurs from raindrops hitting bare soil. Our mission is to grow more food in healthy, undisturbed soils which in turn provide us with abundant, nutritionally dense food.